
Ukraine is failing: USA, Zelensky and Blind Trust

Ukraine’s downfall- A case of blind trust 

Another case of blind trust is the downfall of Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. 

To understand this, you have to understand the reason for the war. I will give you an analogy. 

How it all started

Suppose you live in your house with your children and there are 4 more houses around you. All are living peacefully, now your ex-partner arrives in the locality and befriends your neighbours. You have had serious fights with this abusive partner who has criminal records as well. 

The ex-partner wants to spy on you and for that spy-cameras have been installed in the neighbours’ houses. You are aware that that person has criminal records. In this position, will you believe the person even if he says that he is harmless? Are you even willing to take your chance? 

In this analogy, you are Russia, the ex-partner is the US and the neighbour is Ukraine and other countries like Poland. When I say ‘country’, it indicates the government and the top authorities. Normal citizens are powerless. For the past many years, Russia has asked USA and entities like NATO, EU, UN to not to spy on Russia. But the US kept installing armoires and nuclear missiles beside the Russian borders.

blind trust

In addition to that, the USA kept expanding in the Eastern Europe through NATO. NATO was formed after the cold war (1991) during the breakdown of the Soviet Union and in the last 2 decades, NATO has allied with Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. And most of these are neighbouring countries of Russia

Even after the Soviet Union’s breakdown Russia and its neighbours were living peacefully, but then USA and NATO kept coming to these neighbours and promised different aids if they let the US install nuclear weapons in those countries with intention to keep an eye on Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of the small countries were having financial issues so they fell into the trap of NATO’s expansion strategy. Russia gets no security guarantee. Plus, Russia had war bases in Crimea and Syria, where the US invaded as well in 2014 and 2015 respectively. 

The immediate reason of war 

Now, the reason the heat between Russia and Ukraine started to increase because president Zelensky ‘supposedly’ committed a genocide on 14000 Russians in Donbass. Also, Ukraine showed interest in joining NATO with the intention to get protection. As per the NATO treaty, if a country gets into NATO and any of these countries are attacked, then all NATO countries will attack the attacker country. So, this was a serious threat to Russia and to protect its sovereignty, Russia declared war on Ukraine. 

russia Ukraine war 2022

What went wrong for Ukraine 

Now, the aspect of blind trust is coming here because Ukraine did not get any help from NATO. Yes, countries like USA, France, UK etc gave some financial and weapon support but no major support was provided. There are multiple reasons for this, one is- all countries are afraid of nuclear warfare. Russia has nuclear weapons plus backups from Eastern countries and they will not back off if NATO countries throw missiles at them. Another reason is that a lot of countries are actually getting benefitted from this war. Countries like the US have weapon factories and they are selling more weapons to many countries. As Ukraine’s economy plunges, many other countries are getting rich. Ukraine’s president Zelensky had blind faith in NATO and a whole country is suffering. 

I am not justifying the war, innocent people are suffering but I am against the double-standards of western countries’ governments. And it is not any surprise, the top authorities and governments of any country are SUPPOSED to be power hungry to build their aggression. This is politics and this has been since the early age, any type of invasions are the burning proof of this statement. 

You might feel that it is wrong, but the world does not care about your feelings and you don’t have any control BECAUSE you lack political power. The only way to stop corruption is to build a community of vigilantes who possess high economic power. 

Did Zelensky act correctly? 

Another reason for Ukraine’s misery is the peoples’ blind faith in the president. Zelensky has been a comedian and actor in his early life. He lacks political knowledge. And movies are different from reality. A leader should always try to protect the citizens but Zelensky is giving inspirational dialogues and influencing normal citizens to fight armies. 

putin vs zelensky

I agree that persuasion is one important trait for leaders and the way Zelensky is fighting back, is appreciable but it is not giving much upper hand to Ukraine. In May 2022, when I am writing this, the war is still on and Russia has the advantage. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian citizens but now we know the consequences of a bad leadership. “When a clown becomes a king, the downfall of a kingdom becomes inevitable” [Turkish Proverb]. Zelensky’s lack of political knowledge has made him a mere pawn in the actual war between Russia and USA and some other major countries. 


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Real-Life Horror: Story 4


By this time, you would know that I am a fan of horror and paranormal aspects. I like to read horror and occult stuffs and listen to ghost stories when I get opportunities and time.

My mother used to live in a village and she has had a lot of horror experience. Those are delights to listen to and never get old. I like to read different types of books. But, if you ask me what type of books I have the most in my room, I would say horror and thriller.

In Real-Life Horror Story 3, I have told you a horror incident told by my mother that happened in her village.

Tonight, I will tell you another incident, told by my mother.

Bagnan, 1980s:

Bagnan is a small town in a district named Howrah. It is in West Bengal, India.

The time this incident happened is around the 1980s. And at that time, Bagnan was a very undeveloped. A pure village with no electricity and pitch road. Things started to develop there from late 2000s. So, when I was young, I have seen the village-form of the town.

Anyway, my mother’s paternal house was further inside the town. As she describes, the place was full of jungles and bamboo trees. They used to live in a clay home.

Normally, in villages, you will find many folklores and paranormal stories. People at that time were simple, god-fearing and believer in all types of things. My mother is not an exception.

She tells me many stories of her childhood. I will tell you a story tonight she told me about a local neighbour.

The horror incident with the neighbour: 

In the village, there was lack of electricity and proper communication system in the earlier days. Even in the late 2000s, there used to be frequent power cuts on a regular basis. However, the situation has developed now. 

The roads were also used to be muddy but gradually things have improved there. There used to be a lot of jungles, and still, there are a lot of greenery in the village. 

Another thing you will find there is- ponds, there are numerous ponds throughout the whole locality. The ponds are pretty soothing for eyes. Even, in front of my mother’s paternal house, there is a small pond. I used to play beside it when I was a child. 

Anyway, the time that horror incident happened, my mother was very young and the communication system was not good at all. The roads were narrow and most of the times, the people would see either jungle or field or ponds beside the path. 

There are even some roads, where there are ponds on both the sides. People have to cycle carefully through such roads or else they would fall into the pond. 

Ok, enough of the boring description. I am telling the story now. 

This neighbor was cycling at night, returning from work. And as I told there were no proper road system at that time. So, you can understand that there was no lamppost either. 

The roads used to stay dark, people would rely on moon light or cycle’s dynamo to move forward at the night. 

horror cycle

And, this person was also using the dynamo light to cycle that night. Suddenly, he saw that a lady was standing on the path and waving her hands, asking him to stop. 

The person thought that the lady might be asking for help. It was late enough and locality was not nearby. There were just ponds or jungles beside the path. 

So, the person stopped the cycle. The lady was wearing a white and red saree (Indian ethnic dress), covering her face with veil.

One thing to mention here is that, white saree with red border is a very popular and well-known dress in Bengali culture. At least in older days, most married women would wear this simple dress. 

Anyway, the guy stopped thinking some lady from a nearby locality is asking for help. The person asked the lady if she wants a lift to reach the village and the lady nodded silently. 

The person asked the lady to sit behind him, on the cycle career. And the lady did so. Then the person started to paddle the cycle again. 

After some time, they were crossing a path, of which there were ponds on both sides. Like, there would be 50-70 feet between the path and another piece of land after the pond.

But, suddenly the man felt that something is not letting him move forward. No matter how much he paddled, he could not move forward. 

So he stopped and looked behind…. 

And his blood became cold like stone. 

He saw that that lady was holding the cycle from behind. 

She was standing beside the cycle, and her one leg was standing beside the cycle. And the other leg was on the other side of the pond. So basically, she extended her leg 50-70 feet. 

…. And she told the person to come with him. 

The guy was shocked at this, he understood that the lady was not someone from this world. 

He had to escape. 

Somehow he took the cycle from that entity’s grab and started to run. 

Then, he kept cycling as fast as he could without looking behind. And after sometime he reached his village and his home. 

The person fell extremely ill from that night. He told everything to his family and the incident became well known in the neighbourhood.

The guy suffered from high fever for 3 days and then he passed away. As if, that entity actually took his soul ultimately. 


Some stories do not have an ending where things end peacefully. This incident is one such story. 

That’s all for tonight, I will be back with another incident soon. 

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Real-Life Horror: Story 3


I am a fan of horror and paranormal things. I like to read occult stuffs and listen to ghost stories at night.

When I was young, I used to get little bit of scared while reading horror stories. But that did not stop me from exploring the domain of paranormal. Rather, if you ask me what type of books I have the most in my room, I would say horror and thriller. 

In Real-Life Horror: Story 1 and Real-Life Horror: Story 2, I have mentioned some of my own paranormal experiences that are still inexplicable to me. 

Tonight, I will tell you another incident, told by my mother. 

Bagnan, 1980s: 

Bagnan is a small town in a district named Howrah. It is in West Bengal, India. 

The time this incident happened is around the 1980s. And at that time, Bagnan was a very undeveloped. A pure village with no electricity and pitch road. Things started to develop there from late 2000s. So, when I was young, I have seen the village-form of the town. 

Anyway, my mother’s paternal house was further inside the town. As she describes, the place was full of jungles and bamboo trees. They used to live in a clay home. 

Normally, in villages, you will find many folklores and paranormal stories. People at that time were simple, god-fearing and believer in all types of things. My mother is not an exception. 

She tells me many stories of her childhood. I will tell you a story tonight she told me about a local teacher. Among many stories the told me, this one is a favourite of mine. 

The horror incident with the teacher: 

In my mother’s village, there were 2 schools. I am not disclosing the names here. One school was primary school and another one was secondary school. 

Right now, I don’t remember in which school that teacher was appointed but he was a local person and known to everyone. In village, people would normally know each other. 

So, one afternoon this person was returning home. 

As I mentioned before, at that time, there were lack of proper roads. Most of the paths were passing through jungles and bamboos. Like, people had to walk or cycle through narrow soil paths and on the both sides, there would be jungles. Sometimes, their would be ponds too beside the paths. 

The villagers were mostly poor and no one could think of four-wheelers at that time. Cycle would indicate wealth in a family. 

Anyway, the teacher was cycling through a path like I just mentioned, there were jungles on both sides. 

Suddenly, he stopped cycling because he saw something unusual in front. 

A bamboo tree was bent to make an arch, as if something is forcing it to stay like that. Those who have seen bamboos, those are really long and hard. 

horror, bamboo path

arch bamboo

What made it more unusual to the teacher is that, he regularly crosses that road but never seen anything before. 

He felt that something was wrong. 

If he had to pass, he had to go under that arched bamboo. 

With thinking what to do or not to do, he crossed the arch. 

And almost immediately the bamboo became straight in one noisy jerk. As if someone has let it go from the other side of the road. 

Being shocked, the teacher looked back. 

And his blood cooled down due to horror. 

There was a huge entity standing on the road, his height and width would not match that of a human being. 

The entity was dark and the eyes were looking at the teacher in anger. 

The teacher was baffled to see the sight and he could not scream or escape for a moment. 

But within seconds, he gained some courage and sense. He knew that he had to escape. 

So, somehow, the ran with his cycle. He paddled as fast as he can with the intention to reach a locality. 

After some time, he reached a locality and he reached his home. 

And, he fell unconscious just after entering his house. 

Later after his consciousness came back, he told all these to his family members and the story spread all over the village. 

That path still is there and it is quite abandoned. If there is not too much necessity, people tend to avoid that path even now. 


There are many inexplicable things that are not seen by all. Only the person who has experienced, would know the feelings. 

That’s all for tonight, I will be back with another incident soon. 

Do you have such experiences? Share with us at BlogSutram.

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Real-Life Horror: Story 2


Horror is said to be the oldest emotion humans have been experiencing. We love to get afraid. 

We love to believe that apart from our world, there is another world of paranormal entities. 

Sometimes, we experience things that cannot be described with any logic. Such experiences stay in our mind and keeps us confused. We keep thinking- did it actually happen? Was that possible? 

real life horror

In this post, I will mention a real-life experience that happened when I was around 12-13 years old. Actually 2 incidents, I experienced one alone. And the other was experienced by other people as well including me. 

Murshidabad, West Bengal

Murshidabad is a popular historical place in West Bengal. And West Bengal is a state in India. Murshidabad was established by Nawab Murshid Quli Khan (Muslim King), who ruled the Bangla, Bihar and Orissa (at that time, Bangladesh was adjoined with India). 

The reason, why Murshidabad is historically important is that, India’s last independent king ruled here. Nawab Siraj-Ud-Daulla. Siraj were to fight the British but his chief in commander, Mir Zafar betrayed him and Siraj was captured. And British East India company started to rule in Bengal. 


In Murshidabad, you’ll find many tourist spots, the royal palaces, tombs of the Nawabs, museum, mosques etc. The city is beside the river Ganges and the time when I went there (around 2006-2007), there were boat service available. We rode boats to visit one place to another. 

Anyway, let’s go to the main stories now. 

Horror Incident 1: The Sabji-Katra Mosque

One of the most famous tourist spots in the city is this Sabji-Katra Mosque.

Sabji means vegetables in English and Katra means market. As you can understand, the mosque was named such because when the nawabs ruled here in the 18th century, there were a markets all around the mosque. 

Sabji Katra Mosque
View of Katra Masjid. Located at Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.

As you enter the small gate of the mosque, you will reach the praying ground. There are 1008 seating place in this ground. During nawab rule, people used to come here and pray ‘Namaz’. 

There is no cover over this huge ground. And each of the seat for praying is just carved on the ground, means there is a thin groove between two adjacent seats. And the reason why I am describing these, because the incident happened here.

And after crossing this ground, there is the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan, under this ground. You would have to climb down along stairs to reach there.

I visited with my parents and it was winter. We rented a horse cart for site seeing. The cart-driver was the guide as well and he kept telling us about the history of the place. 

We entered this mosque and reached the praying ground. It was a winter morning and there were no other tourists except us. I was just checking out the place and the ground. 

Suddenly, my gaze stuck on the floor…

There was a jewel lying between two seats, inside a groove. 

A bright, pink jewel. 

pink jewel

I was surprised to see it. I could not decide if I should take it or not. 

But suddenly I realized something else, The surrounding was eerily silent. 

There were no one around me as I told that there were no other tourists but what about birds? Should they not chirp? I could not hear any sound. 

I could only see that my parents and the guide, who have moved far away from me. After some time, they would climb down the stairs and would disappear from my eye sight. 

I could not think much. I wanted to take the jewel but the silence and seclusion seemed unbearable at that moment. 

I noticed that ground and thought, let’s leave for now, I will come back and check it out. 

And I ran towards my parents. The guide kept showing use the place but my mind was stuck at that jewel. I was unrestful and inattentive.  

After some time, we were returning and we again reached that prayer ground and I kept gazing downwards, on the ground to find the jewel. I reached the place where I saw it but there was nothing!!

And there were no other people even at that time. I let it go because we had to leave. 

I have told about this to my parents and classmates later.

Some said that I should have taken it at the first place and it might have been a blessing from the kings. 

Others said that in such cases one should not take these because the jewels might be cursed. 

Horror Incident 2: The Hotel

We lived in Murshidabad for 3 days. We lived in a small hotel near a popular tourist spot “Hajar Duari”. 

We would woke up in the morning, go for site-seeing and return at evening. 

On the first day, we stayed in a room on the ground floor. 

But, in the middle of the night, we woke up suddenly…. the room was full of odor of medicine and saline. It was unbearable and we had to keep the door open. 

My mother was very afraid, and she insisted that we change the room. She still believes that someone died in that room and people have buried that person under that room.

The next day, we informed the hotel manager and they gave us a room on the first floor. We could see the road and the Hajar Duari from the room. It was better than the other room. 

We did not experience anything on the second night. 

On the third day, we went to visit the Hajar Duari. Hajar means thousand, Duar means door. This was a palace which had 1000 doors, not all of them were real but they were built to prevent theft. 

Hajar Duari museum

Hajar Duari

The palace was turned into museum and you can see a lot of ancient paintings, and things used by the rulers. It stays open till 5 or 6 pm as far I remember. 

We had a guide who were showing us the things and describing the history and significance. 

It is said that the parrots in Murshidabad are the reincarnation of the rulers. 

There are many tales like people have seen the spirit of the Nawab Siraj-UD-Daulah, riding horse in moonlit night in front of the palace. 

Anyway, we did not experience anything paranormal inside the museum, but, we noticed something after coming out. 

As I told you earlier, our hotel was near this tourist spot and we could see the spot from the hotel and vice versa. 

The guide was asking us where we are staying and my parents indicated towards the hotel. 

But right then, we saw something eerie. 

The room, we were staying, was visible clearly from the museum entrance. We could also clearly see the windows of our room. 

We all (including the guide) saw that there is a figure standing on our window. It was wearing shite clothes. 

We were baffled to see this, everyone was shocked for a moment. 

After a few moments, the figure moved away from the window. 

We were not sure what that was, it could have been a thief as well. We had to go and check fast. So we bid goodbye to the guide and rushed to the hotel room. 

But the room was locked and our things were as we left them. We were more surprised. 

Later, we asked the hotel staffs if anyone entered while we were gone. Because sometimes, staffs clean the room with duplicate keys. But they said that no such thing was done. 

We did not experience anything after that. The next morning, we left sooner than we were supposed to as we wanted to escape the weird place. 

There are so many unexplainable things that happen in our life. Our logical mind tries to convince us by saying it was a hallucination or sometimes, we try to forget it. But can we??

That’s all for now, I will come back again with another incident. 

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Real-Life Horror: Story 1


Some things that we see in our own eyes, can be very unsettling. So much, that even after years, the memories do not fade away.

In this post, I will tell you a story. Actually, no, it is not a horror story, it is an incident that happened in my life in actual.

It happened when I was in class 3 or 4 (around 2003). And it happened in my primary school. I am not mentioning the name of school but it is a nice school in Kolkata. 

The place where it happened

The school is not too old bot not new either. And it was not too well-maintained. Especially the bathrooms lacked cleaning and lighting.

Anyway, it being a all-boys school, no one really cared much. Those of you who have studied in all-boys school, would know the scenario. 

It is a four-storied building and our class was in the ground floor. Our class and the bathroom were at the two extreme ends of the floor. So basically, if we had to go to the toilet, we had to cross a long corridor.

At the right side, there were other classes. And at the left side, where was an abandoned garden, which became a jungle due to lack of attention. The corridor lacked light as well. 

The incident I am going to talk about, happened in the bathroom. So I need to tell the architecture of the toilet in brief. 

After you cross the corridor, you would reach the toilet. Upon entering the toilet, there are 3 bathroom stalls in front. On the left of those, there are 2 latrines. And then again 2 more bathroom stalls. But the last two are in vertical of the other toilets. I have drawn a simple sketch here.

As you can see, the stalls 4 and 5 are in vertical with the other stalls. And as anyone enters, they won’t usually look at those last stalls. Above the stalls, there were small windows for ventilation. 

During class 3 and 4, I had morning class. I used to get up at 5 am and take a public bus or rickshaw. Usually, mother would go with me to see me safely reach the school.

The actual horror experience

Coming to the actual story, one day it was a free period and we were all playing and chatting in class. I had to take a piss and so I went to the washroom. There were no one else. And I think I chose either stall 1 or 2; and started to pee. 

Suddenly, my gaze fell on the stalls 4 and 5. And then my gaze fell on the window above those stalls. 


I was stunned. 

I saw that a leg was hanging from the window.

It was a freshly cut leg, dark skinned. 

A muscular leg, as if it belonged to some pehelwan (fighter). 

And it was hanging from the window. 

I saw it for no more than 5 seconds, which felt like an eternity at that moment. I was trying to comprehend if I am seeing the correct thing.

example of the leg in my horror experience

A chilly feeling flowed down my spine. I felt so much horror that my pissing stopped. 

The only thought that was in my mind was that, I have to get out of the place. 

I removed my gaze and kept my head down. Zipped up my pants and rushed out of the bathroom. 

I kept running towards my class, not seeing back anymore. I wanted to see some humans, alive ones. There were no one in the corridor either, so I had to wait till I reached my class. I felt a bit safe among my classmates, making chaos among themselves. 

Later, I told some of my close classmates about the incident. And they were surprised as well. But no one else experienced such incident before or after me. 

My mother also knows about this, and she is a believer in supernatural things (I will tell her stories some day). So, she was rather frightened than being skeptical. 

After that, for a some period, I used to not go to the toilet alone. Though, I have went to the toilet alone after that, I could not see anything suspicious. I left the school after 2 years and after that, I haven’t visited.

I still think, what was that actually? Was I hallucinating, or did I actually see something really weird?

I will never know. 


End note

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