
Ukraine is failing: USA, Zelensky and Blind Trust

Ukraine’s downfall- A case of blind trust 

Another case of blind trust is the downfall of Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. 

To understand this, you have to understand the reason for the war. I will give you an analogy. 

How it all started

Suppose you live in your house with your children and there are 4 more houses around you. All are living peacefully, now your ex-partner arrives in the locality and befriends your neighbours. You have had serious fights with this abusive partner who has criminal records as well. 

The ex-partner wants to spy on you and for that spy-cameras have been installed in the neighbours’ houses. You are aware that that person has criminal records. In this position, will you believe the person even if he says that he is harmless? Are you even willing to take your chance? 

In this analogy, you are Russia, the ex-partner is the US and the neighbour is Ukraine and other countries like Poland. When I say ‘country’, it indicates the government and the top authorities. Normal citizens are powerless. For the past many years, Russia has asked USA and entities like NATO, EU, UN to not to spy on Russia. But the US kept installing armoires and nuclear missiles beside the Russian borders.

blind trust

In addition to that, the USA kept expanding in the Eastern Europe through NATO. NATO was formed after the cold war (1991) during the breakdown of the Soviet Union and in the last 2 decades, NATO has allied with Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. And most of these are neighbouring countries of Russia

Even after the Soviet Union’s breakdown Russia and its neighbours were living peacefully, but then USA and NATO kept coming to these neighbours and promised different aids if they let the US install nuclear weapons in those countries with intention to keep an eye on Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of the small countries were having financial issues so they fell into the trap of NATO’s expansion strategy. Russia gets no security guarantee. Plus, Russia had war bases in Crimea and Syria, where the US invaded as well in 2014 and 2015 respectively. 

The immediate reason of war 

Now, the reason the heat between Russia and Ukraine started to increase because president Zelensky ‘supposedly’ committed a genocide on 14000 Russians in Donbass. Also, Ukraine showed interest in joining NATO with the intention to get protection. As per the NATO treaty, if a country gets into NATO and any of these countries are attacked, then all NATO countries will attack the attacker country. So, this was a serious threat to Russia and to protect its sovereignty, Russia declared war on Ukraine. 

russia Ukraine war 2022

What went wrong for Ukraine 

Now, the aspect of blind trust is coming here because Ukraine did not get any help from NATO. Yes, countries like USA, France, UK etc gave some financial and weapon support but no major support was provided. There are multiple reasons for this, one is- all countries are afraid of nuclear warfare. Russia has nuclear weapons plus backups from Eastern countries and they will not back off if NATO countries throw missiles at them. Another reason is that a lot of countries are actually getting benefitted from this war. Countries like the US have weapon factories and they are selling more weapons to many countries. As Ukraine’s economy plunges, many other countries are getting rich. Ukraine’s president Zelensky had blind faith in NATO and a whole country is suffering. 

I am not justifying the war, innocent people are suffering but I am against the double-standards of western countries’ governments. And it is not any surprise, the top authorities and governments of any country are SUPPOSED to be power hungry to build their aggression. This is politics and this has been since the early age, any type of invasions are the burning proof of this statement. 

You might feel that it is wrong, but the world does not care about your feelings and you don’t have any control BECAUSE you lack political power. The only way to stop corruption is to build a community of vigilantes who possess high economic power. 

Did Zelensky act correctly? 

Another reason for Ukraine’s misery is the peoples’ blind faith in the president. Zelensky has been a comedian and actor in his early life. He lacks political knowledge. And movies are different from reality. A leader should always try to protect the citizens but Zelensky is giving inspirational dialogues and influencing normal citizens to fight armies. 

putin vs zelensky

I agree that persuasion is one important trait for leaders and the way Zelensky is fighting back, is appreciable but it is not giving much upper hand to Ukraine. In May 2022, when I am writing this, the war is still on and Russia has the advantage. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian citizens but now we know the consequences of a bad leadership. “When a clown becomes a king, the downfall of a kingdom becomes inevitable” [Turkish Proverb]. Zelensky’s lack of political knowledge has made him a mere pawn in the actual war between Russia and USA and some other major countries. 


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