


Released on 27th of May this year (2022) is a sequel of the super hit movie Top Gun of 1986. Maverick (Tom cruise) being back with the same need for speed, action and flying was equally a hit as it was back in 1986. I watched the movie a few days late, on 29th and here is my review of the movie.

top gun 2 maverick movie review and rating

First, something that came to my mind while watching the movie in the theatre “This man is ageless. Did he stop ageing?” The movie returned with the nail-biting aeronautics and emotional sucker punches that made the original an 80s-defining hit.

TOP GUN: MAVERICK- Movie Summary

The movie starts with Maverick now testing jets out in the Mojave desert, but he’s still got the jacket, the super cool bikes, the aviator shades and most importantly the “need for speed”. He also has the machine-tooled rebellious attitude that has prevented him from rising above the level of captain –  (Yeah, he is still a captain, but he doesn’t seem to regret it at all. So, who cares if our speedy hunk is not getting a promotion. He is still flying and still disobeying orders without regret.)

top gun tom cruise

Maverick starts with completely blowing up a test jet by taking the jet beyond its speed capacity even after passing the jet test. (Hell yeah!!! Don’t we all love Maverick for pushing beyond limits, specially when it comes to speed.). And the lucky guy instead of getting punished for being rebellious again, gets summoned back to the Top Gun program.

top gun maverick action movie 2022 review

But here’s the twist- He is not being summoned to fly but to teach a new set of Top Gun graduates (best of the bests). And the mission is to blow up an Uranium enrichment plant, situated in a valley, surrounded by the mountains, protected by missiles and a nearby air base owning few old generation fighter jets. This information doesn’t go well with Maverick as he replies “I am not a teacher” Maverick insists, “I’m a fighter pilot.” (But, of course, he can be both.) True to his form, Maverick promptly throws the rulebook in the bin (literally – the metaphors are not subtle) and tells his team of fresh-faced hopefuls that the only thing that matters is “your limits; I intend to find them, and test them”.

Cue dog-fight training sequences played out to classic jukebox cuts, while thrusting young guns to do 200 push-ups on the runway. In the local bar, an underused Jennifer Connelly serves up drinks and love-interest sass (Kelly McGillis was apparently not invited to this party) while Miles Teller’s ( Rooster ) bangs out Great Balls of Fire on the piano, prompting a flashback to Maverick cradling Anthony Edwards’s ( Goose ), who got famously cooked in the first film.

top gun 2 movie review

And therein lies what passes for the heart of the piece; because Rooster is Goose’s son, and Maverick, who still blames himself, doesn’t want to be responsible for history repeating itself. “If I send him on this mission,” Cruise emotes, “he might not come back; if I don’t send him, he’ll never forgive me. Either way I could lose him forever.” Tough call, bro. For all its nostalgic, Miller Time sequences of shirtless beach sports and oddly touching character callbacks, also, a cameo from Val Kilmer’s ( Iceman ) proves unexpectedly affecting, Top Gun: Maverick offers exactly the kind of air-punching spectacle that reminds people why a trip to the cinema beats staying at home and watching Netflix. The plot trajectory in my opinion was a bit predictable – Tom going up where he belongs but the emotional bits are very finely choreographed including the gravity defying stunts. As for the cheeky “don’t think, just do” mantra which was much of an instruction to the pilots but i believe we all can use that mantra in our lives as well.

top gun maverick review

TOP GUN: MAVERICK – Personal opinion and rating

Personally, I found myself powerless to resist; overawed by the aeronautics and nail-biting “dog fight”, the eye candy moments of shirtless beach sports, the bikes and undoubtedly the emotional attachment to the first Top Gun movie of 1986. I liked the movie even more because the movie also showed the independent, smart, self sufficient and the fighter side of women, which not only puts ladies in a very positive front but is also very motivating.

I recommend watching this movie in theatres for the best experience and give the movie 4.5 stars out of 5.



Read our other review and analysis of The Kashmir Files,  Runway 34,  Dr. Strange 2

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RUNWAY 34: Movie Review

Runway 34 (2022) - Movie | Reviews, Cast & Release Date - BookMyShow


Ajay Devgan’s Runway 34, which was released on 29th of April this year (2022), had done a business of INR 25 crore till now. Unfortunately, the movie lost the competition to Prashanth Neel’s KGF in the box office but the story is one of the few rare ones in the Bollywood industry.

The movie Runway 34 was roughly based on the narrow escape of a Jet Airways flight from Doha to Kochi, Which occurred in 2015 due to bad weather and unclear visibility. It also mentioned the Air India express flight incident of 2010, which was a pilot error.

Ajay Devgan's 'Mayday' Movie Is Now 'Runway 34'; Theatre Release Date - 29 April 2022

Movie Story:

The movie shows Captain Vikrant (Ajay Devgan), who is shown as borderline arrogant with a gift of Photographic memory and first officer Tanya Alburqurquee (RakulPreet) meeting together to fly a  flight together from Dubai to Cochin.

But they find themselves in the middle of bad weather and no visibility. After several landing trials, they decide to relocate to Trivandrum for safe landing. Unaware that the weather is far worse.

Due to low fuel availability the captain takes a May-day call and lands the flight with no visibility. After which the pilot gets a lot of praise for landing the flight safely  in a harsh situation.

But both the pilots find themselves riled in an investigation by Narayan Vedant (Amitabh Bachchan) following a May-day call before landing an aircraft in testing conditions.

During investigation it is revealed that one of the passengers on the flight died on the way to hospital after the harsh landing, which makes the investigation situation worse for the pilots. 

Eventually the captain explains the reason for all his decisions that he made during the flight and proved that even though few of his decisions were questionable, he never put the life of his passengers at risk.

By the end the captain manages to save himself and his crew from any further investigation as well.

Runway 34: The untold story of Jet Airways Flight 9W 555?


The movie showed a very unrealistic lifestyle of pilots, which was unnecessary in my opinion but the character of Captain Vikrant played by Ajay Devgan was well suited for him.

Also, the character of Narayan Vedant played by Amitabh Bachchan was also mind blowing. I especially liked the strong Hindi dialogue delivery of a lot of words; we had no clue of like homesickness, lie-detecting test etc. 

The movie shows a talented pilot with borderline arrogance but also with a sense of responsibility and team leadership, safely lands a flight in the middle of bad weather with no visibility. 

Not only saves all the lives in his flight, but also keeps his promise of safe landing to his passengers and saves himself and his whole crew from the investigation.


The movie was based on two real life incidents, which also showed how important the sense of responsibility, teamwork and trust is. It also gives us the hint of bureaucracy in the industry of airlines. 

Storytelling, in my opinion could have been better but it is still a new way of storytelling different from the common Bollywood style. In future, we would like to see more movies based on real events. 

Overall I will give the movie Runway 34- 3 stars out of 5. Please feel free to share your opinions in the comment section.

Read our other review and analysis of The Kashmir Files

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THE KASHMIR FILES: Unknown Facts and Analysis

The Kashmir Files- Summary:

The Kashmir Files is a movie produced by Vivek Agnihotri that launched in 2022. The movie shows a story of a Kashmiri pandit family of five and their journey and experience of being threatened, tortured and being killed.

The Kashmir Files,

I saw this movie while it was running in the theatre and in this article, I would like to give my personal thoughts and opinions based on some facts.

While people are concluding the movie as a religious issue, putting a hatred towards Muslims, making the Hindu-Muslim gap in India even wider; many concluded it as a political issue blaming it on each other.

Question still remains- when can Kashmiri pandits return to their home without fear.

Question still remains, will Kashmir be their home again ? 

The problems shown in The Kashmir files are beyond religious or political issues. The problem is power war and blind faith at the cost of what? Humanity. The movie shows us that we are all Krishna Pandit (a protagonist in the movie), who is just blindly believing whatever he is being told. Completely unaware of the real facts.


Unknown Facts about The Kashmir Files:

  • The characters shown in the movie are fictional but they all are based on real life stories and experiences of Kashmiri Pandits. The family had a father named Pushkar Nath Pandit, his son Karan Pandit, son’s wife Sharda Pandit and their two children Shiv and Krishna Pandit.

  • The character Pushkar Nath Pandit (played by Anupam Kher, who is also a Kashmiri pandit himself) in The Kashmir Files, is not based on any real life character but is based on the feelings of all those Kashmiri pandits. People who lost their houses, land, loved ones and saw humanity die in front of their own eyes.

  • The character named Karan Pandit (played by Aman Iqbal) in The Kashmir Files, who is son of Pushkar Nath Pandit in the story is based on a real life person named BK Ganjoo (telecom engineer) the man hid inside a rice drum to save himself. But his neighbour revealed the hiding location and was shot to death inside the rice drum. While leaving, they said, “Let the rice soak in your blood and let your children eat it. Ah, what a tasty meal it would be.” His wife was even forced to eat the blood soaked rice.

  • The character named Sharda Pandit (played by Bhasha sumbli, who is also a Kashmiri pandit) in The Kashmir Files, who is daughter in law of Pushkar Nath Pandit is based on a real life person named Girija Tickoo (teacher) who went to collect her paycheck. But was brutally tortured, raped and murdered with a wood cutting saw by one of her colleague and militants.

  • The character named Krishna Pandit (played by Darshan Kumar) in The Kashmir Files, who is the youngest grandson of Pushkar Nath Pandit is based on the real life of Himanshu Ganjoo. He was told by his maternal grandmother that his parents died in a scooter accident. He came to terms with his maternal grandmother’s story.

However, he came to know what happened with his parents after many years through a newspaper cutting in the book of her sister, left India, and opened about the very first time about the tragic incident to Vivek Agnihotri, the director of The Kashmir Files.

  • The character named Radhika Menon (played by Pallavi Joshi) in The Kashmir Files, who is a professor of Krishna Pandit trying to brainwash him and all other students, is based on the real name of Nivedita Menon, a JNU professor who teaches comparative politics and political theory at the university. Menon is known for her strong communist stance.

In 2016, professor Menon gave an infamous speech on nationalist principles and chanted anti-national slogans in favour of Kashmir’s cause. The same has been portrayed in The Kashmir Files.

Twitter source: JNU Prof Nivedita Menon claims that India illegally occupied Kashmir. This is the kind of poison these Urban Naxals like her fills in young mind which is detrimental for our Nation.

  • The character named Bitta (played by Chinmay Mandlekar) in The Kashmir Files, Who was the terrorist leading JKLF and also student of Pushkar Nath Pandit. The character is inspired by the real-life terrorist Farooq Ahmed Dar aka Bitta Karate who killed around 20 people and Yasin Malik who was charged of killing 4 Indian airforce personnels during the attack in 1990 and later was also seen shaking hands with the now former PM Manmohan Singh.

Bitta received armed training in PoK and his first victim was a young businessman Satish Kumar Tickoo. In an interview, he admitted to killing at least 20 people and that he could have even killed his own brother or mother if commanded. However, he later claimed to not have executed anyone and that the statement was made under pressure.

Farooq Ahmed Dar

Yasin Malik (left) with ex-PM Manmohan Singh

Some analysis: The Kashmir Files

1. At present Kashmir is administered by 3 different countries Pakistan (Azad Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan) , India (Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh) and China (Aksai Chin and Trans Karakoram tract).

Now the question arises if Kashmir decided to be an independent province why is there 3 different administrations on it at present?

That’s because Hari Singh, then king of Kashmir, during the partition decided to remain independent kingdom but couldn’t manage to protect his kingdom from the growing terrorism. Article 370 was created to provide help from India.  By then Pakistan managed to occupy significant parts of Kashmir. Even shared some of the occupied region with China as well.

2. According to folk etymology, the name “Kashmir” means “desiccated land” (from the Sanskrit: ka = water and shimīra = desiccate). In the Rajatarangini, a history of Kashmir written by Kalhana in the mid-12th century, it is stated that the valley of Kashmir was formerly a lake.

According to Hindu mythology, the lake was drained by the great rishi or sage, Kashyapa, by cutting the gap in the hills at Baramulla (Varaha-mula). When Kashmir had been drained, Kashyapa asked Brahmins to settle there. The belief is these brahmins are now known as Kashmiri pandits.

Next big question arise now is if Kashmir was a Hindu majority place how did it end up being a Muslim majority at present? The movie gives a minor overview answer to this question.

3. In the early part of the 1st millennium, the Kashmir region became an important centre of Hinduism and later of Buddhism; later in the ninth century, Shaivism arose (worshippers of God Shiva). Islamization in Kashmir took place during the 13th to 15th century when invaders from the middle-east entered the undivided Bharat.

This led to the eventual decline of the Kashmir Shaivism in Kashmir. Islam gradually became the dominant religion in Kashmir. With the fall of Kashmir as premier centre of Sanskrit literature, the literature there disappeared. In 1339, Shah Mir became the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir, inaugurating the Shah Mir dynasty.

For the next five centuries, Muslim monarchs ruled Kashmir, including the Mughal Empire. In 1846, after the Sikh defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War, the Treaty of Lahore was signed and the Raja of Jammu, Gulab Singh, became the new ruler of Kashmir.

This brief history shows how Kashmir, the home to Kashmiri pandits became a home to Muslims as well by the time of independence. This shows at present this war is neither religious nor political but it is a war against terrorisms, it is a war against inhumanity. As citizens of India, we need to stand in support of our fellow citizens so that they are not a refugee anymore in their own country.


The Kashmir Files, a movie by filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri, based on Kashmir exodus is not just an entertainment movie but a glimpse of the nation’s past. A horrible past towards which the nation and the rest of its citizens shut their eyes.

Some just to avoid it and some just because they had no information about it. It’s a must watch movie in my opinion. It can be disturbing for many people but note what you see in the movie is just a minor glimpse of what actually happened.

I will give 4.5 stars out 5 to the movie. Please feel free to share your opinion about The Kashmir Files.