Don’t Get Comfortable, Embrace Changes !!

Not getting comfortable

One important thing in life is ‘Change’. It is also the only constant thing in life.

When I was in school, I read a poem. I forgot the exact poem but I remember the meaning; it said that when a water-body is stagnant, algae and moss take over it and the water becomes unclean, unusable.

On the other hand, the river that flows, gives us clean water.

What’s the link between consistency and comfortability?

When you are constant, and living in your comfort zone, you are getting rusty.

Now, you might try to screw me by saying that in the last chapter I told you that you need to be consistent.

Right, I told you to be consistent. But I also told you to try out different processes. And consistency does not mean you are stagnant. I told you to improve 1% daily to achieve the same vision.

do I need to get comfort


Why can you actually never be comfortable for the long-term?

The actual truth is, even if you find a consistent way and achieve growth, that WILL BE TEMPORARY. You MUST change the way at some point of time. This is because trends change with time.

A good example can be the YouTube algorithm. 3-4 years ago, a lot of tech channels emerged on the platform and YouTube suggested phone reviews, tech reviews, software tutorials to everyone.

Those youtubers’ followers, revenue, profit kept increasing. Some people also misused this trend to mislead people.

avoid comfort

But now, the algorithm has changed based on people’s choice. The old tech channels hardly get any views now. The so-called tech-gurus are struggling to find new topics that will help them rank again.

The trend has changed, and it will keep changing based on people’s choice.

When I started going to gym in 2018, I started with maybe 10 kgs of dumbbells (5+5). Then covid hit and gyms closed in 2020. At that time, I was using 16 kgs (8+8), deadlifting with 55 kgs and doing leg-press with 70-80 kgs.

I levelled up that game. To let you know, I am light-weight, under 55 kgs and if I continued, I would have tried to increase the weight more.


So, you need to accept this. Even if you are consistent with your goals, you need to change the ways from time to time to get better results.

How to NOT get comfortable?

One way to not get comfortable is to know that you are miserable.

There are new trends these days…. People claiming that have apathy towards success, they are influenced by the principles of Stoicism when it comes to self-improvement etc etc. Well, if you are apathetic about it, you are pathetic. Slap yourself.

embraces change, don't get comfortable

How can you not seek improvement? How can you not ask for more from life? Ask yourself.

One simple way to not get comfortable is to be angry. Be angry at yourself. Don’t blame it on others, don’t blame it on GOD at all. Rather, be happy for others’ success and take inspiration from them. Have faith in God.

pressure and comfort

Comfort is the enemy of pressure

Pressure is the opposite of comfort.

Without pressure, coal does not turn into diamond.

Without beating, raw metals don’t get shaped.

Without pressure, you won’t achieve success.

Pressure can be of any form- it can be your mother nagging you to get a better job.

It can be your husband asking for better sexual actions at night.

It can be your boss demanding you to clear a certification so that you both can get promotions.

It can be your audience asking you to upload contents more frequently on your social media.

In all these cases, you are asked to get out of your comfort zones.


Why do people ask you to be comfortable?

Actually, only your enemies will ask you to be comfortable with life. They want to see you sit on your hands, lose everything and be miserable.

And they are right on their point. They are not supposed to make you a success blueprint. You should identify and engage enmity. Lord Rama is respected because he had an enemy like Raavan.


Another category of people who will ask you to stay comfortable with life are people who themselves could not achieve much. Their lives are stagnant and their world is similar to the frog that lives inside a well. When that frog looks up, it sees a tiny piece of sky and assumes that that is the whole world.

Theory of abundance

You need to get out of your comfort zone.

Because only then you can achieve a success mindset,

Only then you will know that life can give you anything, unlimitedly.

This is called the theory of ABUNDANCE. I will tell more about this in the next chapters. 

theory of abundance

Be it love, success or money, you can get it unlimitedly; and you need to believe that.

Get angry at yourself. Look at someone successful and tell yourself “Why am I not successful like that person”

“Why don’t I have a jacuzzi?”

“Why don’t I have a castle?

“Why doesn’t my business have 1 trillion $ in my bank like that other company?”

When you ask yourself, you will get the possible answer. Because you know yourself better than others. Later, I will tell you how you can channel anger.

As per Japanese folklore, a person has 3 faces. One for strangers, one for dear ones, one for oneself.

You, yourself, know the reasons. And you can change the scenario too. 


How can you get motivated to not get comfortable?

Sometimes, you will get the initial inspirations from external sources too… your family, lover, so-called relatives, friends in disguise or even strangers. You need to work on that rather than avoiding it.

If you ask questions to yourself about how to improve your situation, you will get at least some hints or the full answer.

The reason why you know answers to those ‘how and why’ is because you are a tiny god.

You are a part of the almighty. God can do anything. You can do a lot of things too; you just don’t know it.

WAKE UP…. From your comfort zone.

how to not get comfortable

Sometimes, you need to look back to get motivation. No matter how bad your life has been, you must have had some positive moments.

You know how success tastes. Stand up once again to taste it again.


Check out my list of- 31 things to try when you are trying to get out of comfort zone


Why does trying out new things work?

Trying out new things boosts your adrenaline and makes you more confident. As per psychologist Jordan Peterson, for men, it increases testosterone.

Basically, when you take a small step and win, your chance to win the next step increases.

In some cases, the result might be failure. But it does not matter. You completed a challenge, you learned from it- that matters the most. The next time you try the same challenge, you know what not to do.don't get comfortable

Once I danced inside a bus full of people. It was not a full-fledged bus but there was music playing outside and I liked the music. So, I danced a little. Girls laughed, I blushed. Nothing much.

“Do your duty without thinking about the result”- Sri Krishna, The Bhagavad Geeta.



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