Real-Life Horror: Story 2


Horror is said to be the oldest emotion humans have been experiencing. We love to get afraid. 

We love to believe that apart from our world, there is another world of paranormal entities. 

Sometimes, we experience things that cannot be described with any logic. Such experiences stay in our mind and keeps us confused. We keep thinking- did it actually happen? Was that possible? 

real life horror

In this post, I will mention a real-life experience that happened when I was around 12-13 years old. Actually 2 incidents, I experienced one alone. And the other was experienced by other people as well including me. 

Murshidabad, West Bengal

Murshidabad is a popular historical place in West Bengal. And West Bengal is a state in India. Murshidabad was established by Nawab Murshid Quli Khan (Muslim King), who ruled the Bangla, Bihar and Orissa (at that time, Bangladesh was adjoined with India). 

The reason, why Murshidabad is historically important is that, India’s last independent king ruled here. Nawab Siraj-Ud-Daulla. Siraj were to fight the British but his chief in commander, Mir Zafar betrayed him and Siraj was captured. And British East India company started to rule in Bengal. 


In Murshidabad, you’ll find many tourist spots, the royal palaces, tombs of the Nawabs, museum, mosques etc. The city is beside the river Ganges and the time when I went there (around 2006-2007), there were boat service available. We rode boats to visit one place to another. 

Anyway, let’s go to the main stories now. 

Horror Incident 1: The Sabji-Katra Mosque

One of the most famous tourist spots in the city is this Sabji-Katra Mosque.

Sabji means vegetables in English and Katra means market. As you can understand, the mosque was named such because when the nawabs ruled here in the 18th century, there were a markets all around the mosque. 

Sabji Katra Mosque
View of Katra Masjid. Located at Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.

As you enter the small gate of the mosque, you will reach the praying ground. There are 1008 seating place in this ground. During nawab rule, people used to come here and pray ‘Namaz’. 

There is no cover over this huge ground. And each of the seat for praying is just carved on the ground, means there is a thin groove between two adjacent seats. And the reason why I am describing these, because the incident happened here.

And after crossing this ground, there is the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan, under this ground. You would have to climb down along stairs to reach there.

I visited with my parents and it was winter. We rented a horse cart for site seeing. The cart-driver was the guide as well and he kept telling us about the history of the place. 

We entered this mosque and reached the praying ground. It was a winter morning and there were no other tourists except us. I was just checking out the place and the ground. 

Suddenly, my gaze stuck on the floor…

There was a jewel lying between two seats, inside a groove. 

A bright, pink jewel. 

pink jewel

I was surprised to see it. I could not decide if I should take it or not. 

But suddenly I realized something else, The surrounding was eerily silent. 

There were no one around me as I told that there were no other tourists but what about birds? Should they not chirp? I could not hear any sound. 

I could only see that my parents and the guide, who have moved far away from me. After some time, they would climb down the stairs and would disappear from my eye sight. 

I could not think much. I wanted to take the jewel but the silence and seclusion seemed unbearable at that moment. 

I noticed that ground and thought, let’s leave for now, I will come back and check it out. 

And I ran towards my parents. The guide kept showing use the place but my mind was stuck at that jewel. I was unrestful and inattentive.  

After some time, we were returning and we again reached that prayer ground and I kept gazing downwards, on the ground to find the jewel. I reached the place where I saw it but there was nothing!!

And there were no other people even at that time. I let it go because we had to leave. 

I have told about this to my parents and classmates later.

Some said that I should have taken it at the first place and it might have been a blessing from the kings. 

Others said that in such cases one should not take these because the jewels might be cursed. 

Horror Incident 2: The Hotel

We lived in Murshidabad for 3 days. We lived in a small hotel near a popular tourist spot “Hajar Duari”. 

We would woke up in the morning, go for site-seeing and return at evening. 

On the first day, we stayed in a room on the ground floor. 

But, in the middle of the night, we woke up suddenly…. the room was full of odor of medicine and saline. It was unbearable and we had to keep the door open. 

My mother was very afraid, and she insisted that we change the room. She still believes that someone died in that room and people have buried that person under that room.

The next day, we informed the hotel manager and they gave us a room on the first floor. We could see the road and the Hajar Duari from the room. It was better than the other room. 

We did not experience anything on the second night. 

On the third day, we went to visit the Hajar Duari. Hajar means thousand, Duar means door. This was a palace which had 1000 doors, not all of them were real but they were built to prevent theft. 

Hajar Duari museum

Hajar Duari

The palace was turned into museum and you can see a lot of ancient paintings, and things used by the rulers. It stays open till 5 or 6 pm as far I remember. 

We had a guide who were showing us the things and describing the history and significance. 

It is said that the parrots in Murshidabad are the reincarnation of the rulers. 

There are many tales like people have seen the spirit of the Nawab Siraj-UD-Daulah, riding horse in moonlit night in front of the palace. 

Anyway, we did not experience anything paranormal inside the museum, but, we noticed something after coming out. 

As I told you earlier, our hotel was near this tourist spot and we could see the spot from the hotel and vice versa. 

The guide was asking us where we are staying and my parents indicated towards the hotel. 

But right then, we saw something eerie. 

The room, we were staying, was visible clearly from the museum entrance. We could also clearly see the windows of our room. 

We all (including the guide) saw that there is a figure standing on our window. It was wearing shite clothes. 

We were baffled to see this, everyone was shocked for a moment. 

After a few moments, the figure moved away from the window. 

We were not sure what that was, it could have been a thief as well. We had to go and check fast. So we bid goodbye to the guide and rushed to the hotel room. 

But the room was locked and our things were as we left them. We were more surprised. 

Later, we asked the hotel staffs if anyone entered while we were gone. Because sometimes, staffs clean the room with duplicate keys. But they said that no such thing was done. 

We did not experience anything after that. The next morning, we left sooner than we were supposed to as we wanted to escape the weird place. 

There are so many unexplainable things that happen in our life. Our logical mind tries to convince us by saying it was a hallucination or sometimes, we try to forget it. But can we??

That’s all for now, I will come back again with another incident. 

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