How to channel anger for self-improvement?

Channeling anger, not suppressing it 

Being angry is important.

It is more important to use that anger to create something.

Anger, itself, is not very good for health. It affects your physical and mental health.

So, you better use it wisely to make it worthwhile.

27 Easy hacks to manage anger

Here is a cheat sheet of anger management in different scenarios:

  1. Broke up- Move on; one very useful way to move on is to focus on all the sad memories you have experienced. If you focus on that, you will easily get repelled by the person and it will be easier to forget that person.
  2. You got humiliated- Self-control is necessary. We live in an era where if you smile and forgive after being humiliated, the other person is likely to apologize and feel bad.
  3. You got humiliated extra badly and it is personal- Kick that person hard and get it over with. Hit fast and hit hard. Hitting and kicking might not just mean physical beating. Escalation of the scenario to the higher authority of the humiliator is also a good strategy.
  4. Got scolded by near ones- hug them. It is a cure for anger and feels good. My mother is good at this, when I get angry, she hugs me.
  5. Angry at your boss or client- Keeping your cool at the workplace is a task. Do intense work-out or HIIT after getting out of the office/phone call. Punch the sandbag thinking of them. Feel free to shift your job or even sack your client (yes, you CAN say ‘NO’ to a client if they misbehave).
  6. General ways to anger management- Meditation, breathing technique, shouting in a secluded place, clenching your hands and face in a secluded place (emits energy physically simply). Some people also cry if they are angry. It is a good way to wash off the anger.
  7. Angry at the government- leave the country. Or try to get inside the government and change the situation yourself.
  8. Angry at some scumbags in the society- Build a community and teach the culprits a lesson.
  9. Angry at the whole society- You need propaganda to change the situation and the power to convince people. Tactics like Divide-Decrease-Conquer may work well. You may have to play some political games and get dirt on your hand.
  10. Angry at yourself- shut the f*ck up and improve yourself and be proud of yourself.
  11. Angry at God- Don’t be, God has given you more than enough. Thank him and meditate.
  12. Angry at someone better than yourself- Again, shut the f*ck up and improve yourself and be proud of yourself.
  13. Angry at someone worse than yourself- You have already lost the war in this case. Ignore them and carry on.
  14. Angry at your coach or news- hit the ball harder, punch the sandbag harder
  15. Angry at the cab-driver/delivery boy- Forgive them. They are humans and maybe there is traffic.
  16. Angry at another country- Make your country better than that country, then ignore that country completely.
  17. Angry at racists or critiques- Ignore them or work on the feedbacks if they are feasible
  18. Angry at media or community- Boycott them or work on the feedbacks if they are feasible
  19. Angry at a community- build a bigger community or transform people from that community to your community to end that cult
  20. Angry at a company’s product/service- give them another chance or buy from another company
  21. The store/organisation executive is not helping you up to your expectations: Have some patience, communicate clearly and tell them a few times what you actually want. If they are ignoring you or not helping you, then escalate the issue. If nothing happens, shift to their competitor.
  22. Angry at abusive family members- Don’t entertain them AT ALL. Either call the helpline or leave the environment or teach them a lesson.
  23. Angry at rapists- Take law in your own hand and do the necessary. If you have faith in law, go to court. Or in some cases, you might just have to focus on your own behaviour because sometimes, provocative activities induce
  24. Angry at animal-abusers- Take law in your own hand and do the necessary.
  25. Angry at lover- If you are girl, then have rough sex with your partner, you both will be satisfied after that. If you are a guy, don’t argue and show indifference, show them your cold eyes, don’t yell. Also, communicate properly. Sit and talk and discuss and solve things. There is a saying that one secret of a happy relationship is to not go to sleep with an angry Solve things before you go to sleep.
  26. Angry at abusive or humiliated lovers or partners- leave the situation, it is not worth it. Feel free to take legal steps.
  27. Are you angry at me, the author? – I like it.

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What is the psychology behind anger?

Always remember that anger gets suppressed with time. But you can reduce the duration of painfulness by being consciousness.

Every time you get angry, you have to identify that you are angry and then take suitable actions.

Place, Time and Person are three important things. You can’t treat everyone similarly every time and in every scenario. Be adaptable.

Forgiving and ignoring are the most neutral and useful way to manage anger. They are better than complaining.

Anger is an important thing in life. Sometimes, it accelerates you towards the correct direction.

Sometimes it is better to hit hard rather than tolerating sh*t.

anger channeling for self developmentIf you can do something, do it or else keep calm. Don’t whine.  

You have the power.

You have control over the situation.

You have enough strength already.

You also have self-control.

Anger management practicality in daily life

Though I have given you so many lectures, I, myself, am often an angry person. Whenever things are not going smoothly for me, I become angry and I would not say that I get angry for no reason.

The purpose of your daily life should be to spend the day smoothly without any anger or tension. So, you have to try to do necessary things for that.

But one thing I would say is that anger is, in most cases, a temporary emotion. The situation that makes you angry is likely to get resolved or fade away within some time. It can be a few minutes, hours, months or even a few years. Even India was under foreign suppression for about 200 years before it got its freedom.

anger management hacks

So, learn to channel anger to reduce that time frame. Above, I gave you a few cheats but I did not give you a detailed analysis. Simply because there can be numerous scenarios under each of the points mentioned above. You have to use your basic understanding and cognitive ability to handle the situation.

Being angry is not a bad thing as most people say. Actually, you need to be angry…. Feel that emotion. Then understand the reason and control the reason to manage the anger.

And if you are absolutely reluctant to get angry, ask yourself: Are you so weak that you let someone else destroy your inner mental peace?? Are you that weak?

psychology behind anger, benefits of anger

Life is always about knowing about yourself.

Learn from your life when to be angry and when not to be angry.


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